Posted by Heather James on 10th Apr 2018

Do you know what the most important rule is of fishing? TAKE CARE OF YOUR GEAR SO YOU CAN FISH MORE! Nothing stinks worse than finally getting a chance to go fishing and then having a problem with your gear. Therefore, today we are going to talk about some common sense items when it comes to taking care of your gear.

  1. Be aware of your surroundings - I cannot tell you how often people come into the shop holding two rods which are broken in the exact same spot. They try to convince us that they both broke in the exact same spot which casting. Hmmm, are you sure you didn't shut them in a car door, hit a tree branch or try to drive under your cottage with the rods still in your rod rack? I know I am guilty of forgetting that the rod rack is on the truck, so I need to remember to be aware of my surroundings.
  2. Don't lay your reel in the sand - grab a sand spike and keep your gear out of the sand! Did you forget your good sand spike at home? Well grab an inexpensive PVC one as it is less expensive than replacing a reel.
  3. Rinse your gear - when you get done fishing, be sure to rinse your rod (guides and reel seat), reel and rigs with fresh water. You just need a light rinse, do not aim the hose nozzle directly at the reel as it can force salt and sand into the reel. It is also a good idea after rinsing and drying a reel to apply a light lubricant like Real Magic. Don’t spray the lubricant into the reel’s gear mechanisms as these areas require grease for lubrication.
  4. Replace your line - It is important to keep your line in good shape. It is a good rule of thumb to replace your line each year. However, if you were you lucky enough to catch a big drum that took you a while to fight, well then you may need to replace your line so you don't lose the next big one!
  5. Secure your lure - don't let your lure bang against your rod during travel. You can either remove your lure or use a lure wrap to keep your lure secure and protected.
  6. Break down your rod - if you have a two piece rod, be sure to break it down for travel. You can utilize Fishing Butler rod bungees to safely and securely transport your rods.

So get out there, have fun, catch the big one but be sure and TAKE CARE OF YOUR GEAR!