Sinker Guy Sputnik Sinker

$6.99 - $9.99
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Sputnik sinkers may look odd, but the tines attached to the lead sinker serve a very useful purpose. The tines dig into the sand on the bottom and lock the sinker in place. Sputnik sinkers allow surf anglers to use lighter weights to hold bottom in more turbulent surf conditions. Available ranging from 2 oz. up to 7 oz., you will be sure to find the size you need for your next fishing trip.

The Sinker Guy's long-tail design ensures a stable flight for longer casting distances and the heavy-duty double-wrapped eye will hold secure on any force of cast.
The Sinker Guy sputnik sinkers are the best sputnik sinkers for fishing in the surf or heavy current when you want the bait to stay in one place – this design features extra-long stainless steel arms to securely anchor your rig in place until the fish bites.
What is the best size of sputnik sinker to use for surf fishing?
 The smaller size sputnik sinkers for general surf fishing for Croaker, Surf Perch, Dum, Whiting, Pompano, Jacks, Catfish etc with small baits and dropper loops, fish-finder rigs, high-low rigs, Carolina rigs etc.
Heavier sizes sputnik sinkers are suited to securing larger baits on heavier tackle in bigger surf and strong currents, making these the best sinkers for surf shark fishing, casting big baits from the beach, land-based shark fishing and other similar predatory species from the beach, pier or jetty.

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