F&F Circle Hook Drum Slider Rig (2 Pack)

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Land more drum fish with our F&F Circle Hook Drum Slider Rigs. Featuring high-quality circle hooks and sinker slides that improve catch rates while reducing gut hooking, these rigs are designed for optimal performance. Each pack includes two pre-tied rigs, making them convenient and ready for use in surf, pier, or inshore fishing. Built with strong leader material and corrosion-resistant hooks, these rigs are perfect for anglers targeting bluefish, sharks and big drum. Upgrade your tackle box with these essential rigs today!

These drum slider rigs are hand tied by the Frank & Fran's crew.  They are available in sizes 4/0 through 10/0 so whether you are chasing puppy drum or big drum we have you covered.  

These Hatteras Style rigs are preferred by red drum fisherman as the short leader on this fish finder rig reduces helicopter effect when casting to allow for greater distance.   Tie this rigs directly to your shock leader and go after the Red Drum of a lifetime at Ramp 44 - Cape Point or other surrounding Hatteras surf fishing ramps!

Made with 100 lb. mono, 100 lb barrel swivel, strong sinker slides and offset circle hooks.  Strong enough to land the big Cape Point drum.



Place a bead on the shock leader, slide the sinker slide onto the shock leader, tie the snelled hook to the shock leader using a uni knot.


  1. Snelled Circle Hook

  2. Optional beads

  3. Barrel Swivel

  4. Sinker Slide with McMahon or Coastlock Snap

  5. Pyramid Sinker

Add fresh mullet, spot, bunker (menhaden) or tuna belly to the hook.  Clip a sinker to the sinker slide.


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